03 Feb

Latest Trends regarding CGIs to Help Your Real Estate Sells

While still images and CGI will probably stay here for good, just as the radio did not disappear after the advent of the TV, or books after audiobooks, new technologies are consistently offering us new possibilities regarding design and visualizations tools. Between the chances that new tech offers us, let’s get a closer look at Real Time Rendering, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality (VR), and how these technologies are getting more and more interactive and accessible to the average user.


So far we have been considering only still CGI, but it is best to acknowledge that there has been a big increase lately from companies and private clients to produce interactive images. Multiple options can be visualized in a click of the mouse, or by navigating in Virtual Reality inside the project and swiping right or left, before choosing regarding for example the shape of the staircase, the shape of the roof, of the dormers, or just simply the colour of the furniture to pick. Why is this important and valuable? Well, because it empowers the customers and their choice, it gives them clarity on expectations and leaves them the freedom of participating in the design process, that they wouldn’t understand as well otherwise. By the simplest of these interactive options you could swop the image and get a “before and after” effect that helps for example architects to show their added value and promote their business. Of course you could aim to show options only regarding part of the building or a new extension, or how a new piece of art would fit within the given space and so on, possibilities are endless.

In best virtual show flat you can now walk in exactly like in a modern videogame, turn on and off lights, open curtains, and see the sunset from your balcony that hasn’t been built yet. You can choose the appliances and furniture you are then going to order straight from a website or still wearing a VR helmet. And while I have to admit that Nature ‘s graphic style is still very much unbeaten new technologies are getting closer and closer every day.

Real Time Rendering

Another feature that has been achieved thanks to the video gaming industry (that as an industry moves 4 times more money than cinema and music combined) is Real Time Rendering. Thanks to new graphic cards and computing power that has been growing exponentially, it is now possible for a machine to render while playing a video game 18-20 frame per second. This means of course that machines have considerably less time to calculate reflections and how the light bounces around, which is a very difficult quantum problem to resolve in no time. To be completely honest these images still do not reach realism, as well as they did not reach it in the cinema years ago, even where there was some time to be given to the machine to calculate but those were not powerful enough. By the way, real time rendering is getting incredible results, so that, reality seems nowadays just a couple of steps away to be achieved in real time. Recently new cinematic graphic effects have been introduced by a software like Unreal Engine ( that builds video games for the PS5), promising to show infinite number of surfaces on the video screen while giving you an image in Real Time and zero delay.

VR Tour

One technology that economically seems to be jumping up like internet did in 1994 is surely Virtual Reality. Having had the chance to keep a close look at its development for the last few years, I can surely affirm that huge steps forward have been made recently. Images can store now many more pixels of information, usually you won’t only wear a VR helmet alone anymore, but also some sort of bracelets with sensors that will keep track of the movements of your arms, and convert these into the virtual world you are immersed in… soon you will be able to even smell! And feel the perfume of the sea, being connected virtually from home. All big companies have already jumped on this new instruments, new conferences were hold in VR during the lockdown of coronavirus, Netflix offers to view their movies online from amazing locations, like the Italian alps, or the Grand Canyon, Ikea gives you the chance to navigate into their spaces while you pick your furniture, just like in their bigger shops, Facebook is leading this technology development together with Oculos.

Artificial Intelligence

As AI ( Artificial Intelligence) is now being developed for Google and many other companies, design companies make no exception. AutoDesk (and few other companies are already doing the same) for example, have now engineered a new car, designed together by humans and machines. They created an algorithm calculating the forces on nearly each point of the car, adding first: many sensors to a car ; and then checking where the structure was most solicited. Through the algorithm the machine itself was able to design a car, based from its usage requirement and those previous test results. This is just one of the projects that very recently have been realized using AI as a design, in collaboration with humans and seems to be a very big step we are about to take as humans, while a project created entirely and autonomously by a machine seems still very far away and Sci-Fi.

Tags: RenderReality Design

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