10 Oct
The main use of Computer Generated Images in Construction remains surely related to Marketing. Thanks to a better understanding of the spaces, a clear visual outcome and the power of good suggestive images in fact, potential clients will be more keen to buy and go forward with their intentions. It has never been easier to buy on paper and to commit to an unfinished development. Our CGIs are designed and developed to make this process much easier and in fact we were already successful in doing so for a number of projects in UK.
Of course an image is more powerful and talks more clearly compared to a 2D drawings, it can show the space to the actual investors and buyers in a way no 2 dimensional drawings can, it will immediately suggest to the buyer how living in that new space will look like. It will communicate the comfort and the lights of that space, the effect of the view from their balcony like no other instrument. Marketing behaviour already has shown that emotions are the most important tools for acquiring clients, as clients buy when they like their feelings, so what better instrument that an image to show them and let them imagine the cosy spaces they are about to live in. What will involve more their positive emotions than seeing their new Livingroom and comfortable sofa and let them imagine themselves relaxing there after a tiring day at work? I want to remind you about those kitchen 3D renders nowadays any kitchen company supplies, of course you would buy the kitchen you can see before, and no kitchen company could have afforded to stay behind and therefore today every kitchen company supplies you with 3D images, now my question is: how long do you think is going to pass before every developer has to do it as well? More and more developers are already doing it, there is no tower in London, nor big blocks of flats, that is not showing CGIs, do you think they would do it if it was not convenient for them? Do you think if these companies offer a high standard you can afford to stay behind and watch? I’m telling you CGIs are here to stay, just as technical drawings, and you may need to start looking at them as a good investment instead of thinking the opposite because images might be even only virtual, but results are tangible.
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