16 Dec

What You Need To Have In Order To Start 3D Renders And Start Saving On Building Costs.

Commissioning CGIs is not a difficult task. Of course like anything you need to be careful and here there are few tips you should follow.

Make sure that the company you choose for your CGIs has interior designers or architects who have a good understanding of architectural spaces and it is not just a 3D professional with no experience in Architecture or Interior Design. This is important because it will surely reflect on the quality of your work.

It is also important that your exteriors design has been approved by planning, if you are not doing a 3D render for planning purposes (and in that case remember that a 3D visual might be a lot cheaper). This so you can avoid to do the design and the 3D rendering twice.

Once the Exteriors are approved and you can move on the interiors you basically have two choices:

First choice would be to ask an Interior Designer to do all the design, plans, material specifications (probably a mood-board) and items specifications, and then pass those documents to the CGI company together with the approved external design.Second choice (and probably smarter) would be to do the interior design straight in 3D.

You may find pictures of how you would like the items to be on Instagram or on Pinterest, collect those, and send them straight to your CGI company, they will work out the design and its dimensions matching the available space, and you will save thousands of pounds on the interior designer. To proceed this way though, make sure your CGI company provides you with a free revision, otherwise if you are unhappy with something and they will charge you twice to make changes, it might be worth it to proceed with the first choice above. Also, please keep in mind that Second choice is smarter especially if you are selling the property afterwards and not going to live inside nor renting it. This is because you may not need to purchase all the furniture but what you should be after is just a nice CGI to show to your buyer and he will probably choose the furniture himself.

Tags: RenderReality Design

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