19 Mar

Why Build Your Own House And Main Issues

Due to an always raising demand for homes, rent prices and new home prices increasing every year. Considering that building your own house would be a good investment, and that It would actually save you money compared to buying a new home in the free market, starting this process could be your best investment of a lifetime.

On top of the financial importance, gaining control on your own house design needs to be considered. You would create the perfect tailored living room for your hobbies, or the perfect gym with all the tools you like, or even the perfect bedrooms to relax and studio for your children. You could create it fitting to your particular needs and why not? even energetically independent, which would basically result in even more savings.

While it is true that experience is always the best teacher and it would be impossible to learn every single process in a blog post or in a book, it is also true that you can always hire an expert in the field for any process you don’t feel enough confidence after reading this.

In the end building your own house won’t just mean accomplish your dream, but you will also grow as a person together with your managerial skills achieving more independence.

Self Build _ A Growing Market

AMA Research data on Self Build Houses shown for 2019-2020, self build completions were estimated to account only a 7-8% of overall housing completions, but accounted for a 12% of total housing output. However this is probably because during the pandemic smaller sites, where social distancing was more easily achieved, remained operational while many larger sites closed due to safety concerns.

The most significant and positive data emerging from AMA Research is instead that Self Building showed to save between a 20% and 40% in value to the future owners comparing to buying a house into the open market.

This obviously would result as a very good investment if after few years you build your own house you would decide to sell it.


Self Build _ The Main Problems

Even if Self Building is proven Profitable from data another research has found that only 1 in 3 people are interested in self building, with 9% of people saying that they were likely to build their own home at some point in the future. This compares to around 5% of new homes currently being built as custom and self build annually.

So let’s have a look at what usually holds Self Building Investors back, and then we will see how to overcome these barriers in details in following articles.

In a big survey that you can check at following link:


A huge 59% says they lack the money to start building their own house, even if this is a proven good investment

Nearly half of the people admit to be scared of planning permission process

47% is worried about their knoledge that they thick they would need

and less people finds other excuses but only 7% says this is something they are not interested in!

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